A portal created with you in mind

Access your portfolios anytime, anywhere
Find out more about your accounts and investments and get access to thought leadership and research. You can access these via a web browser or mobile app which is available via the Apple and Google Play stores.
We have also added a number of enhanced security features for additional peace of mind when you log in using the mobile app. With facial recognition and finger print technology, you can access your accounts without the need for a username or password.
Analyse your holdings
Check your accounts, access reports and analyse your investments at home or on the go.
You'll be able to see your latest portfolio valuations, holdings, transactions and documents, as well as your exposure to different asset classes and currencies.
The analysis page enables you to view the allocation of assets across accounts. Portfolios can be filtered and displayed in a dynamic visualisation chart showing category, asset class and currency, percentages, values and total assets. Data can be viewed or exported in a number of ways.
Thought-provoking investment views
Insights & Research (I&R) is our online portal for investment content, thought leadership and research. l&R is accessible via the HSBC Global Private Banking application, and offers thought-provoking investment views from the HSBC Group and industry recognised third party analysts.
Content is personalised according to your individual portfolio composition to help you make more informed investment decisions. You can search for what you need easily, set your preferences and receive alerts whenever new materials are added.
Convenient digital signing
Through electronic signature capabilities you can make decisions and take action fast.
This service is offered using a secure third-party leading provider to ensure all communication is secure.
Frequently asked questions
Services vary according to location. For more details, please contact your Relationship Manager or local HSBC Global Private Banking representative.