What is the Financial Services Act (FinSA)?
FinSA aims to strengthen investor protection and the Swiss financial services sector, while adopting a level playing field for financial service providers with standards comparable to those implemented in the existing European regulatory framework. Among other requirements, financial service providers must introduce enhanced rules of conduct and provide clients with comprehensive information and documentation before the provision of any financial service. FinSA applies to financial services provided to HSBC Private Bank (Suisse) SA clients, whether they are domiciled in Switzerland or abroad.
Risk information
The Swiss Bankers Association published in June 2023 a revised version of its brochure “Risks Involved in Trading Financial Instruments” which provides general information on financial services, including sustainability-related financial risks, risks attached to the trading, buying, selling and custody of financial instruments as well as information on the risks of investing in different types of financial instrument.
Product Information
FinSA introduces the requirement to make Key Information Document (“KID”) available under certain conditions. KIDs are free of charge and provide information on a specific financial instrument and describe their risks and costs.
KIDs are accessible via a dedicated repository by using the following link: KIDs repository
Tariff information / Costs & charges
The financial services brochure provides a brief description of the financial services made available by the Bank.
The tariff brochure includes the Bank’s standard tariffs and services and is updated periodically.
You may ask your Relationship Manager for a report on all costs and charges you have incurred for a specific period in connection with the financial services provided to you by the Bank free of charge.
Other key information
- General Terms & Conditions (268KB, PDF)
- Information from the SBA regarding the disclosure of client data and other information in international payment transactions and investments in foreign securities, Swiss Bankers Association (228KB, PDF)
- Swiss Deposit Insurance Information- esisuisse
Deposit insurance protects the credit balances of private and corporate clients in the event of a bank or securities firm’s bankruptcy. This guarantee is regulated by law.
The protection is limited to a maximum of CHF 100 000 per client and institution. Multiple accounts are added together.
esisuisse guarantees that it will cover protected deposits as part of the self-regulation of Swiss banks and securities firms.
Deposits at HSBC Private Bank (Suisse) SA are covered by the deposit insurance scheme. Detailed information at www.esisuisse.ch.
- Privacy Notice: How we collect and use your personal information, HSBC Private Bank (Suisse) SA
- Terms and Conditions for the Digital Services (PDF, 272KB)
- Financial Health Guide
Information on the Swiss Banking Ombudsman
Your satisfaction is our priority. If we fail to meet your expectations please contact your Relationship Manager and we will resolve the issue together. However if following a written compliant you deem the bank’s response not sufficient you can contact the Swiss Banking Ombudsman which is a free, neutral and independent mediation agency.
Swiss Banking Ombudsman
Bahnhofplatz 9
P.O. Box
8021 Zürich