Use of messaging service (GPB Chat)
You hereby agree as the Client, or for and on behalf of the Client, that:
- GPB Chat involves the use of Symphony, a third party platform which enables encrypted communication within the third-party messaging apps such as WeChat and WhatsApp
- any communication made by you with HSBC Private Bank (Suisse) SA (including its branches) (the “Bank”) using GPB Chat will be construed as “Communication” as defined under the Bank’s General Terms & Conditions; and
- your Communication with the Bank using GPB Chat will be subject to:
- these GPB Chat Terms you can find under the following link:
- the Bank’s General Terms and Conditions, the Terms and Conditions for Digital Services you can find under the following link: Swiss Financial Services Act and other key information - HSBC Global Private Banking
- as well as the terms and conditions applicable to the products and services you or – if you represent a Client, hold with the Bank (the “Terms”).
- Please further refer to the terms and privacy notices published by WeChat and WhatsApp for details on how they process your information.
Important information on our policy can be read here:
Mobile specific privacy notice
GPB Chat Terms