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Foreign exchange

Borders and time zones need not constrain your financial activity. Our foreign exchange team offers an expert, integrated and global foreign exchange service focused on you and your family, with the benefit of access to our global network.

We understand that your needs are becoming increasingly global. Members of your family may be living abroad, your business interests may span many countries, and both your financial and real-estate assets are likely to be international. So you need a service that works effectively across borders and time zones.

Our foreign exchange team offers an expert, integrated and global foreign exchange service.

Why do you need to know about foreign exchange?

  • The foreign exchange markets are the largest liquid markets by daily traded volume in the world, with an average daily turnover in excess of USD4 trillion*
  • Foreign exchange rates can be volatile. Fluctuations in exchange rates can adversely impact your portfolios and your wealth
  • You may need to protect your portfolio, investments and/or businesses against adverse foreign exchange rate developments
  • Foreign exchange markets provide ample investment or trading opportunities

* Bank for International Settlements, Triennial Central Bank Survey, Foreign exchange turnover in April 2013: preliminary global results

Our teams around the world have a unique insight into trends in FX markets, so we can offer you up-to-date market intelligence and help you with your strategy.

One of the largest foreign banking networks

Our foreign exchange teams have a global reach and close links with HSBC Global Banking and Markets. We're well placed to advise you and work with you in both core and emerging markets. With these capabilities you can improve your foreign exchange dealings while benefiting from competitive pricing and first-rate service.

FX spot and forward contracts

We trade spot and forward contracts in any convertible currency pair, including those in emerging-market currencies. We offer direct dealing services that enable you to transact , access market views or get advice on FX risk and hedging solutions.

Our experienced and dedicated team of traders can give you up-to-the-minute data, insights and ideas, as well as providing more strategic advice on your FX exposure and other issues.

We offer an order service for FX execution at a pre-agreed level, monitored on a 24-hour basis and traded during European, US and Asian hours.

We work across borders and time zones to give you insight into how foreign exchange markets are developing.

FX derivatives

FX derivatives can give you added flexibility for FX trading and hedging. We can tailor FX derivatives to suit you, while providing the liquidity you need. We have a dedicated team of trading and structuring professionals ready to support you in risk management and flexible hedging.

HSBC Global Private Banking is a recognised market leader in FX derivatives. We can offer exposure to FX moves through various structures, including over-the-counter and structured products, with varying degrees of capital protection and enhanced returns depending on prevailing market conditions.

Dual currency instruments

A dual currency instrument provides an enhanced rate of interest in return for making a fixed-term investment and for taking some currency risk. Investors receive a return that comprises interest on the investment plus a premium received from the sale of a put or call currency option.

A dual currency instrument is of particular benefit if you need to convert the value of your instrument to another currency at the end of the fixed term. These instruments can also be useful if you have a future foreign currency need, as they offer the potential for a higher interest rate than that available with traditional fixed-term instruments.

Precious metals

You can access one of the largest precious metals operations in the world. HSBC is a leading metals custodian and the only over-the-counter market maker with foundations in gold, silver, platinum and palladium. We cover all aspects of precious metals and bullion trading on a daily basis, and we can connect you with specialists in precious metals investment and trading services across the globe.

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